Friday, 25 March 2011

Advertising Seminar

Contextual and theoretical studies
Essay Questions

1st Q 
.responses to forces of modernity (this q is about modernism key words..modernist graphic design/forces of modernity) forces being industrialisation/ secularisation also.first section would be describing forces of modernity at a particular time. limit examples that we discuss to 2 or 3 also limit the period we look at don't attempt to explain the forces of modern from 1800 to 20th century use a specific time choose a style i.e bauhaus.

2nd Q.
pick any aspect of GD that i'm interested in 200 years to work with. again linked to modern  looking at the way art and designed has changed the world 2 EXAMPLES!! reflecting social or cultural change,,pick your period..a decade and 2 images that reflect the zeitgeist of that period...i.e. russian revolution,(constructivism) however if you wanted to look at some thing more contemporary thats ok i.e. looking at graffiti...grafiti is a response to alienation for the black youths in new york.....

3rd Q
essay will be about defining post modernism and 

4th Q
linked to 31st nov lecture taste and value lecture..fine art ought to be assigned more value than GD? no struggling for this should be able to find ample research.... key word value money value spiritual value. a few examples discussed but not too many

5th Q

on advertising to find quotes from numerous sources to have a balanced arguments. 

Negative side of advertising.

Times SQ new york..ways of seeing john society its impossible to escape society bombarded with imagery promises of better lives..fantasy ideal bodies that promise better lives and make us unhappy with out current lives. its possibly the most influential design media in the western world

in early 90s estimates suggested that there were 11,000 new TV adverts in the UK
in briton every year there are 25 million print adverts every year.

every time we go on the internet we are bombarded with pops ups and adverts we cant escape it

were focusing on adverts theatre promise a better life through spending\

Karl Marx 1818-1883
writer of communist manifesto,  analysed capitalism the system we live in. theorised how it works and how class structures work. critique of consumer/commodity culture..this constructs out identities throughout the consumer products we inhabit

Judith Williamson -Stewert Ewen - 'what we buy is what we are'

clothes, jewellery, technology, housing, cars, accessories, music, children being dressed in expensive clothes …….school uniforms given to schools so every ones equal.

advertising makes up envious 

spending money to make us feel richer but effectively making us poorer .

the people who we believe we need to be are projected towards us.

rather than selling an item there selling a lifestyle and symbolic attachments,,i.e aftershave is selling the fact that your going to be attracted to and it will make you sexy beautiful glamour. <----connotations.

we become addicted to buying things 

commodity fetishism..basically advertising conceals the background of history of products in other words the concept in which a product is produced is kept hidden.
 commodity fetishism is where people connect throughout individual things such as hair styles clothes etc..

reification…..products are given human associations products themselves are perceived as sect cool sophisticated fun etc

also were a person becomes a thing rather than a person i,e a person is a stereotype as such and simplifying them whilst at the same time making things like people. i.e the thing becomes the relationship though families i.e a car advert shows a happy family.

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