Friday 25 March 2011

A Medium for the Masses Lecture

Lecture 2: A Medium for the Masses

Origins of GD
GD in relation to Fine Art
GD in relation to Advertising
GD as a tool of capitalism
GD as a political tool
GD as post modernism
GD and social conscience

Bison and horses  15,000-10,000  BC cave painting France

Giotto di bondone betretal 1305 ad fresco arena chapel italy
Illustrates a message in comic strip

1922 –William Addison dwiggins first successful graphic designer gave GD its name

quotes about gd Herbert spencer mechandiszed art

max bill an joseph muller brockman visual communication

steven heller quote

henride Toulouse Lautrec aristide bruant 1893 poster

alphonso mucha job 1898 poster

chalres rennie mackintosh Scottish musical review

peter Behrens aeg 1910

Alfred leete britons wants you 1914

Kandinsky – abstract shapes – geometric elements

Harry beck tube map 1933 london underground map

Simon pattison the great bear 1992 lithgraph on paper

Oscer schlemmer bahaus logo 1922

Cassadre (franch) l’intransergant

British Design took a while to catch up with GD in 1930’s stil using fine art with text
Ludwig vierthaler degenerate art 1936 exhibition poster

Hans schleger eat greens for health 1942

Jospeh renau – industries of war 1936

Joseph renau – starlingrad the new star of freedom 1942

Pere catala ipic lets squash facism

Abram Games festival of Britain 1951

Paul rand jaquline cochran 1946

Helmutkrone for doyle dan berbach think small VW 1959

Peter saville new order blue Monday sleeve design 1983

The face mag cover

David garson loosing sight GD for GD sake

Public Image ltd album sleev 1986

Chumba wamba starving children 1986

Pop will eat itself 1994

Prml scrm

Mark farrow floating in space 1997

The coup party music 2001 Twin towers

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